
Posts Tagged ‘teens’

I know, this title feels a bit loaded. I’m sure you’re wondering “Who are the ‘survivors’ Dave’s talking about?” Given my propensity to write about virtually anything and still find a way to bring it back to God, your curiosity is warranted.

This morning when I got up I grabbed my phone and proceeded to check out recent news and updates from my friends on FaceBook (a habit I really need to break). As I scanned the various comments I came across this video link:

Melissa Ohden is a survivor. I hope you were able to watch the video. I didn’t share it to jump into some anti-abortion tirade. I’m not going to go on and on about why I am absolutely and unapologetically pro-life. That’s not why I placed it in this article. A very simple question hit me: Do we know we’re loved? Seriously, pause a moment and think that through…do you know your loved?

This life has a way of pressing in on all sides and pressing out our ability to see how much we’re loved. Now I know there are some of you feeling like there are no people out there you feel safe with, people who’s affection you can trust. That may seem like your reality, and it may even be very close to true…but there is still One who’s love you can’t shake. God.

We have no clue how deep His passion runs. Are you wondering how this relates to an abortion survivor video? Here’s the tie-in. Abortion is one of the most violent assaults a child can go through. I’m not saying that to condemn the mother who feels it was the choice she needed to make. I’m not here to cast stones. But a person who survives that level of trauma is a miracle. On the other side of it there can be a very deep feeling that you obviously weren’t loved. After all, if you were loved you wouldn’t have been aborted right?

I want to learn from Melissa. This woman has every reason to be angry, hateful, and malicious. She was aborted. But she’s not. Why? How? She found Love. It really is that simple. She discovered the God who intended for her to live, the God who had an incredible purpose for her life…then she let Him remake her.

God, with her permission, reshaped her identity. She’s a survivor and her Papa has shown her how to declare His majesty through this experience. I want that!

We all go through things. Things that rock our faith, things that shatter our confidence…but God. We find ourselves balled up inside weeping over all the “what if’s” and “maybe’s” while God in His incredible compassion declares “I can heal that.” He longs to rebuild survivors. But He doesn’t stop there, next He looks into our soul with the firm confidence of the ultimate Victor and states “Let me use it.”

A few days back I was listening to “Know Hope Collective” a CD I really enjoy. In a lot of ways its a soundtrack for survivors. The song “Jealous God” came on. This is a powerful track. It reminds me how much abandon God throws into His love for us. It’s a scandalous level of affection. Here’s a short video behind the song:

Mark Stuart and Will McGinniss are survivors too. They have been through some very difficult things. Are they on scale with what you’ve experienced? Possibly, but possibly not. The two examples I’ve shared in this post are two worlds apart. I did that on purpose. If I could find a video of a little boy losing his favorite toy saying he still trusted God, I would have used it too! The point isn’t the measure of discomfort…it’s our ability to overcome it, no matter the magnitude.

The pain in our lives is our pain, and if we allow it, the enemy of our faith will use any level of frustration to steer us away from God. That’s his goal. It’s a simple mission: lead us astray.

The real question is…will you be a survivor? This is what I want for all of us: I want us to know the depth of God’s love. I want us to dive in deep and let it fully invade our lives. When we give ourselves fully to Him “Survivor” can be our name! And guess what, you will do more than just survive. If you go “all in” you will literally THRIVE! Is that what you want? It sure is my goal!

I know the road of a survivor is not an easy one, but it truly can be a rewarding one. Commit with me today to pray for those around you who are in painful or frustrating circumstances. Lift them up to God for His miraculous covering. I commit to doing the same for you. Know that I pray frequently for folks who read these articles. In many ways they are one way God is allowing me to more than just survive. I can’t wait to hear your stories of survival. I also can’t wait to hear how you are thriving too!

Love you all lots!
Make today an incredible one!
In Christ,


Have you seen the film “October Baby” yet? It’s a great movie that I think will bless you too! Here’s one of the trailers for it, enjoy..

This last video is an interview with an abortion survivor on the TV program Hannity and Colmes. It’s great food for thought…

Do you have an “extra” you’d like to share? Let me know and I’ll see about including it here.

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Image by Jose Fares & available at CreationSwap.com

Part 5. The time for change is now!
Be sure to read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 first.

This is a fact: Christ bought all of mankind with His sinless blood (John 3:16-17). In the face of absolute abandonment He willingly gave all He had for us. For a world of men like Judas, a world of men like me. Is there any greater expression of love and pure desire for someone? He gave this priceless gift for anyone who would choose to accept it (and we do have to choose – John 3:18)). It is for this I am eternally grateful. I am compelled to exalt Him with every breath, every pen stroke! Every look must be consecrated to Christ.

I’ve shared a lot about my life with you. I haven’t hit on specific “details” and I did that on purpose. In truth, we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. As I mentioned early on, we look at people and state “at least I’m not…(fill in the blank).” I want to challenge you to step away from that. Look at yourself. Look closely. Go deep. What is it in you that can and should change? How would your life be different if you handed the scalpel to God instead of using it on someone else? Trust me, it’s painful…but worth it!

Though I am still far from perfect, I humbly ask Jesus to take me and pour me out as a love offering to The Father. I give myself freely! I am a bought treasure, cherished in His house, the coveted prize of a supernatural contest! Guess what…you are too! It is a wonder and a marvel that we could have such unspeakable value.

Rags to riches? Absolutely. My challenge to you is that you would fully embrace what He has for you: a new life that can begin today, now, in this very moment. I am so grateful for Jesus loving acceptance of me. In a wonderful and miraculous way God has remade a broken man. Billions of people of all ages spread over 60 centuries have left behind the hollow ruins of their own efforts. By His Spirit they have been recloaked in the amazing treasures of His love, a genuine transformation … from Rags to Riches.

-Take It Deeper-
What needs to change:

The first, most important question: Am I Christ’s?
If the answer is no…why not? What’s holding you back?
If the answer is yes…are you fully His?
When I look at my life, what have I kept from Him? Why?
Am I willing to let Jesus look deeply into me…and change me?
Am I willing to lay aside my fears and anger and doubt…for His Truth?
Today…what will be different?

Take this vital step again, write your answers down and pray over them. If you don’t like what you see, get help! Talk with someone! There are so many amazing people who can help…because they have been there! Check out the AllAboutGod tab and start getting answers today. God has so much for you, reach out for it…and be transformed by what you find!

Praying you find true peace in Christ’s love,

Read part 1 now: “This is where it starts…I need to see like He sees”

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What are you trying to keep God out of?

Photo by Aleisha Knight & Available at CreationSwap.com

Part 3. Digging Deeper…How dirty am I?
Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 first.

I am so grateful to my God! He has helped me to put off the old rags. Who I AM has radically changed. He is helping me to not slumber in an age when there is so much of His work to do! He guides me as I pray fervently for my family (near and far) and for the community where we live as well as all the ones that are outside of our immediate touch. He has grown in me a heart that is genuinely concerned for those that are well outside myregion. Even though I pray for God to extend the borders of my influence, I know that this desire has to be submitted to what He sees fit to have me do. It would be such a shame to reach past those at our door for others elsewhere!

A lot of what I’m writing is motivated by a devotional time I had in Matthew 26:20-46. In this passage the disciples have gone with Jesus into the upper room. At some point, He tells them that one of them will betray Him. Quite naturally they all begin to worry that they will be the one. But it is Judas Iscariot (v24) who does the deed, and yet so do all the other disciples! Judas may have handed Jesus over to the religious leaders, but each of the others also abandons Him! How appropriate for all of us. We seem to pay attention to the “front page” infidelity of a high profile figure but ignore the website betrayal found at home! It is so easy to say “Well, I never!” at the man who killed his family because it seems so heinous, but we wont examine our own hearts for how we kill our families daily! A harsh word? An angry glare? A back-hand that wasn’t restrained? Or how about the one that doesn’t touch the flesh but shatters the soul?

The poverty of mankind is never that far away, we are so capable of all that we judge in others. The distance between ourselves and failure is very small. Like Jesus’ disciples, I have been the friend who fell asleep instead of praying for a desperate need. I have ran away in the night repeatedly and, sadly, like Judas, I have even betrayed with a kiss! What else can I call living in sin for so many years and telling my wife and friends that I was fine! I have been the one who beat Jesus with a whip! Each step through a doorway that led me to sin was a stroke across the back! Each unguarded look, every thought I let run amuck in my mind was a very literal crown of thorns on His brow! And every day, month, and year that I persisted in my sin was like driving a spike into the very flesh of His sinless palm! I am not guiltless of the mob’s failures or even the religious glare of the self righteous!

-Take It Deeper-
What parts of your life have you posted a “Keep Out!” sign over? Here are a few areas to consider:

What have I hidden away from “public” view?
If my actions were visible to all, what would they say?
Am I selfrighteously pure?
How does what I view reflect who I say I am?
Have I redrawn the line of holiness so I will feel more comfortable?
Am I using societies standards…or Christ’s?
Today…what needs to change?

Take this vital step again, write your answers down and pray over them. If you don’t like what you see, get help! Don’t do this alone! There are so many amazing people who can help…because they have been there! Check out the Purity tab and start changing today. God has so much for you, reach out for it…and be amazed at what you find!

Praying you find the peace of Christ’s love,

Read part 4 now: “Uncover Me So I Can See”

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Part 1. This is where it starts…I need to see like He sees.

Caught in the middle

Photo by Boaz Crawford & Available at CreationSwap.com

Here in America many stories revolve around a common theme of Rags to Riches. It seems that we long to see the desperately poor person become the extravagantly wealthy. I imagine this is the case in many other places around the world where personal value is attached to possessions. How ironic that true worth has nothing to do with bank accounts or the letters and numbers describing a car. Real value comes from understanding and accepting the unconditional grace and love of creation’s very real God.

I used to be dressed in rags. To me they looked fine. To the few who knew my secrets, I was little more than a man strutting around in a filthy shirt and tie. The fact that Christ even looked at me after all that I had done is amazing! I thank Him daily for His willingness to wash me and make me pure. It is truly amazing that by God’s choice I have been made righteous and holy in His sight. Simply awesome! I know who I have been! Praise to God though, because He knows who I am! How awesome is it that His very name, “I Am,” is also how He sees us. Let me explain.

Christ is not as interested in who we have been as He is with who we are. A man trapped in sin can’t rest on past righteousness. He is living in sin! Past good wont change current failures. It’s the same way with our future. God, in His infinite wisdom, can see where we are going. It could be great, but that doesn’t diminish the ugliness of the now. What is … is what is!

-Take It Deeper-
What about how you see yourself is out of focus? Ask yourself these questions.

Where do I have an elevated opinion of my accomplishments?
Do I cherish rubbish?
Would my family agree with my view of me?
What is hiding that needs to see the Light?
How important is my image?
Would I rather stay the same…or do I desire to look more like Christ?

Write your answers down and pray over them. Ask God to reveal the true you…passionately seek His best and you will find it!

Praying for you,

Read part 2 now, click this link: “Taking The Next Step…I Need To Be Like He Is”

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Be sure to read parts one through three for better context.

Photo by Josh Brown, Creationswap.com

The air was cold and had a distinct bite to it. Dusk was only a couple hours off as my youngest son and I crossed our deck and went down into the back yard. We followed a narrow trail made through the winter by our dog. In a few seconds we were standing where I assumed our fire pit was hiding. As the digging commenced, Aaron began his own version of an inquisition.

“Why are we digging?” I smiled. “There’s a lot of snow here dad. Do we have to move it all?” I grinned. As I started to fill him in on my plans, his own smile grew wider and wider. We were making pretty good progress on excavating our neglected fire pit so I sent him off to uncover some frozen firewood (thus the ample supply of lighter fluid).

Aaron trotted off to our nearby pile of scrap-wood and logs, chatting all the way. He was having such a good time. He loved being part of getting his brother’s Rite ready. I continued to dig through the snow making a wider and wider circle around the pit. I was finally happy with its size so I began to build the chunks of timber into a mound. Echoes of “Is that enough?” came from the wood pile in regular intervals, each time I responded “Nope, this has to be a huge fire!”

Mid-winter hits our part of Alaska around January with the coldest month typically being February. Most years that means temperatures around minus 30…often colder. Needless to say, I was a bit concerned the icy wood wouldn’t stay lit (which could really mess up my plans) so I had picked up a huge box of primed, artificial fire logs as a bit of “insurance.”

Gel lighter fluid flowed liberally over my growing pile of wood (did I say I was a bit concerned it wouldn’t keep burning?). As if that wasn’t enough, I added half a can of traditional lighter fluid to the mix for good measure. I’m sure some of you are thinking “He’s a pyro!” All I can say is…I’m smiling…and so was my youngest son. A Rite of Passage needs to be memorable.

As Aaron and I left the back yard he asked me if we were done yet. I grinned and shook my head nope. Wisps of chilled breath circled our heads following us like smoke as we walked into the forest behind our home. It was getting colder. My youngest and I chatted while we walked. Our little expedition wound its way further into the snow-laden trees. As we plodded along I began to explain what we were doing.

“Ian is becoming a man today” I stated, “and his Rite of Passage needs to be a bit intense.” Aaron listened closely as we tramped through the snow. “We’ll start him here at the back of our property.” We stopped near the far corner of the forest, about 75 yards behind our house. I took a few moments to describe the symbolism behind the trek his older brother was going to take. “We’re going to carve a trail through the snow for him…so he won’t get lost.”

We slowly headed back toward the front of our property creating a new trail through the foot and a half deep snow. Aaron wondered how his older brother could get lost on our own land. I turned the trail toward a forty acre forest in front of our house. “He won’t be on our property” I responded. We crossed a road and headed into the dense tangle of trees. He looked up through the tight branches at the clear sky and asked if the daylight would help. “It’ll be dark when he’s in here.” I led us further away from anything that would be familiar to Ian. But what about a flashlight Aaron pressed. “He won’t have one” I stated, “He has to do this in the dark.”

Aaron was quiet for a moment. As I turned back to look at my youngest son, I could see his concern. There was an internal struggle brewing in him. He wanted this experience to be great for his older brother, but he didn’t want him to be scared. My wife and I have worked hard to build a healthy connection between our sons. Life will naturally present struggles and difficulties to each of them. It’s been our prayer that they would have an inseparable bond, one that could follow them throughout their lives. I smiled reassuringly, “He’ll be fine Bear (Aaron’s nickname). You’re helping me build a great path for him to follow.”

The silent trees seemed to press in around us. Deeper and deeper we plodded into the web of birch and black spruce. Snow had begun to find its way into our boots. Our feet, hands, and faces were getting colder… and we still had more than half a mile more trail to carve. As we marched further along, our trail twisted through the forest, always deeper into trees that would be unfamiliar to Ian.

The path was narrow, but clear. Unfamiliar, yet somehow “safe.” If he stayed on the trail he wouldn’t get lost. But what if he didn’t? What if Ian left the path I had marked for him? I prayed he would trust me, trust that his father knew where he was leading him, even if he couldn’t see the end. If all went according to plan this would be a night Ian would never forget, none of us would. All he had to do…was stay on the path.

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Photo by Matt Gruber via CreationSwap.com

In “Rite of Passage” parts one and two I shared a bit about the reasons my wife and I have decided to hold rite of passage ceremonies for our sons. There is something deep and rewarding about that sort of intentional parenting. It excites the soul…and sobers it. We wanted to do this well, to make it more than just “another birthday.” And now the time was upon us. All our planning, hopes, and prayers were coming down to this one day. Our hearts ached for this to be life altering…an experience none of us would forget.

Our truck left the bakery and headed toward home. We made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up a few last minute items. During the ten minute drive to our house we salted Ian with more “getting older” questions. Was he concerned about anything? Nervous? Excited? His answers revealed a young man who intended to leave the boy behind.

Once home, we spent the next several hours getting ready for our guests to arrive. Little hints of the party were allowed to slip out. The cake (too big to hide) sat on top of the microwave where Ian enjoyed looking it over. Colorful party plates and a birthday banner began to decorate the dining area. Our son’s face grew broader with every new detail, and then came a few items that puzzled him.

First up were the twenty or so glow sticks laid out on the table among the serving dishes. He was busy trying to wrap his mind around their significance when he noticed two canisters on the counter. His eyes widened as he realized there were actually two hundred of them! His mother and I grinned at his confusion.

The next hint broadened the mystery a bit more. I called Ian over and told him I had something he was going to need. He looked up at me, waiting to see what I had for him. I handed him an empty canvas holster. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have any idea what it was for, and I wasn’t disappointed. I casually stated “You’re going to need this tonight.” With a mischievous smile, I left him there to try and figure it out.

As the evening crept closer and closer the indoor preparations were finally completed. It was time for me to go out into the cold afternoon and tackle the major outdoor elements of Ian’s Rite of Passage Ceremony. One of the vital elements in raising our two sons to become men has been sibling involvement. Their mother and I want them to recognize manhood is best approached within a brotherhood of believers. I have experienced the weakening effect of trying to do things on my own, so we have regularly reinforced the need to stand beside other godly men which includes eachother. We are stronger when we stand together.

 I called down the hall for Aaron, our youngest son.  He popped out of his bedroom, with his older brother close behind. I nodded my head at him, “Aaron, get your coat, snow pants, and boots on…we have some things to do outside.” His eyes sparkled at the chance to help…to be part of the brotherhood.  As he rushed to get his winter gear on, he peppered me with questions about what we were going to do. Ian watched on and listened intently for any hint of what was too come.  I simply smiled and stated “It’ll be dark soon…we need to get your brother’s rite of passage ready.”

As Aaron and I plodded out the back door in our winter gear our faces grimaced slightly at the near zero temperature. Wisps of warm indoor air instantly became fog in the cold. My youngest son and I traipsed out into the deep snow leaving Ian inside in a fog of his own. I listened to the excitement in Aaron’s voice and smiled. Not only was he getting to help me with his brother’s Rite, but he was building anticipation for his own. Someday it would be his turn. With shovels, lighter fluid, and axe in hand we marched ahead…time was running out. The time for Ian’s Rite of Passage was approaching quickly, and we still had a lot to do!

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A rite of passage is not something for the faint of heart. Neither the parents or the youth should take it lightly. This is a big deal, and if it’s done right…no one will forget it! That said, my wife and I approached March 5th with a healthy level of sobriety and excitement!

For years Sheri and I had been anticipating this day. Like a rich stew, the planing for our oldest son Ian’s rite of passage grew in flavor and depth. At times it seemed that life circumstances were conspiring to spoil our hope, but God consistently covered us. Months boiled down to weeks, and soon weeks were days. The calls had all been made, last minute preparations done, this meal was ready to be served! The lid was pulled off and the dense aroma of expectation filled our home…it was time for our boy to become a man.

I’d love to say we kept everything a secret from Ian, and we did…sort of. Part of the fun of a good surprise is realizing you had no idea what was actually going to happen. He definitely knew it would be a rite of passage ceremony, but he didn’t know what that would look like. Sheri and I had been dropping hints along the way to help build his anticipation. My favorite was when I looked at him the day before and in all seriousness asked “Are you ready to face your fears?” I’ll never forget the look in his eyes: the boy was freaked…but the man was ready.

Saturday began with a rare family trip to our favorite bakery and donut shop, “The Moose Is Lose.” Ian lit up at the chance to get a huge (man size) treat. As we sat around a table, the four of us visited about his expectations. What was he hoping for from the day? Did he have any idea what was going to happen? Was he excited? His answers showed us that it was going to be an awesome experience for him!

As we drove back to the house my heart began to soar. This day I would have the tremendous honor to lead my son further down the path of godly manhood. Friends and family had all made plans to surprise him by being there for the evening’s celebration. Select fathers would take part in his exclusive “for men only” ceremony. And the greatest attendee of all was already bathing our home with the sweetness of His presence.

Without God this day could have been little more than a great memory. With Him, it could be life altering. My eyes began to tear up as my heart was struck once again by the power of what this day held. Through Christ, it would be literally unforgettable!

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"Formed out of shiny diamond plated steal the small one foot square box begged to be looked at and all ages felt the draw."What Is That? As I walked into the lobby I saw it. It was sitting there on a three-foot pedestal all by itself. The stand it was perched on shined under the nearby lights and reflected the people walking by. There was a small cluster of folks staring at it.

A box.

Formed out of shiny diamond plated steal the small one foot square box begged to be looked at and all ages felt the draw. Some caressed the top and sides grinning at the mystery. Others stood back, a bit concerned, as if to say “Why is this in the middle of my path?” Still more read the torch carved blue letters emblazoned on its front, “The Truth Box.” Beyond that were scrawled in a crime scene font of the same color “Questions Answered.” What?

I pondered. Then my thoughts stopped abruptly and I saw the next line “CAUTION, You may not like what you hear.” My heart raced and then I caught one last thing. A small slit on the top of its padlocked lid. A slit for My question. My Question!

This was the first time I saw it…the first time I saw…The Truth Box

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