
Archive for August, 2012

I know, this title feels a bit loaded. I’m sure you’re wondering “Who are the ‘survivors’ Dave’s talking about?” Given my propensity to write about virtually anything and still find a way to bring it back to God, your curiosity is warranted.

This morning when I got up I grabbed my phone and proceeded to check out recent news and updates from my friends on FaceBook (a habit I really need to break). As I scanned the various comments I came across this video link:

Melissa Ohden is a survivor. I hope you were able to watch the video. I didn’t share it to jump into some anti-abortion tirade. I’m not going to go on and on about why I am absolutely and unapologetically pro-life. That’s not why I placed it in this article. A very simple question hit me: Do we know we’re loved? Seriously, pause a moment and think that through…do you know your loved?

This life has a way of pressing in on all sides and pressing out our ability to see how much we’re loved. Now I know there are some of you feeling like there are no people out there you feel safe with, people who’s affection you can trust. That may seem like your reality, and it may even be very close to true…but there is still One who’s love you can’t shake. God.

We have no clue how deep His passion runs. Are you wondering how this relates to an abortion survivor video? Here’s the tie-in. Abortion is one of the most violent assaults a child can go through. I’m not saying that to condemn the mother who feels it was the choice she needed to make. I’m not here to cast stones. But a person who survives that level of trauma is a miracle. On the other side of it there can be a very deep feeling that you obviously weren’t loved. After all, if you were loved you wouldn’t have been aborted right?

I want to learn from Melissa. This woman has every reason to be angry, hateful, and malicious. She was aborted. But she’s not. Why? How? She found Love. It really is that simple. She discovered the God who intended for her to live, the God who had an incredible purpose for her life…then she let Him remake her.

God, with her permission, reshaped her identity. She’s a survivor and her Papa has shown her how to declare His majesty through this experience. I want that!

We all go through things. Things that rock our faith, things that shatter our confidence…but God. We find ourselves balled up inside weeping over all the “what if’s” and “maybe’s” while God in His incredible compassion declares “I can heal that.” He longs to rebuild survivors. But He doesn’t stop there, next He looks into our soul with the firm confidence of the ultimate Victor and states “Let me use it.”

A few days back I was listening to “Know Hope Collective” a CD I really enjoy. In a lot of ways its a soundtrack for survivors. The song “Jealous God” came on. This is a powerful track. It reminds me how much abandon God throws into His love for us. It’s a scandalous level of affection. Here’s a short video behind the song:

Mark Stuart and Will McGinniss are survivors too. They have been through some very difficult things. Are they on scale with what you’ve experienced? Possibly, but possibly not. The two examples I’ve shared in this post are two worlds apart. I did that on purpose. If I could find a video of a little boy losing his favorite toy saying he still trusted God, I would have used it too! The point isn’t the measure of discomfort…it’s our ability to overcome it, no matter the magnitude.

The pain in our lives is our pain, and if we allow it, the enemy of our faith will use any level of frustration to steer us away from God. That’s his goal. It’s a simple mission: lead us astray.

The real question is…will you be a survivor? This is what I want for all of us: I want us to know the depth of God’s love. I want us to dive in deep and let it fully invade our lives. When we give ourselves fully to Him “Survivor” can be our name! And guess what, you will do more than just survive. If you go “all in” you will literally THRIVE! Is that what you want? It sure is my goal!

I know the road of a survivor is not an easy one, but it truly can be a rewarding one. Commit with me today to pray for those around you who are in painful or frustrating circumstances. Lift them up to God for His miraculous covering. I commit to doing the same for you. Know that I pray frequently for folks who read these articles. In many ways they are one way God is allowing me to more than just survive. I can’t wait to hear your stories of survival. I also can’t wait to hear how you are thriving too!

Love you all lots!
Make today an incredible one!
In Christ,


Have you seen the film “October Baby” yet? It’s a great movie that I think will bless you too! Here’s one of the trailers for it, enjoy..

This last video is an interview with an abortion survivor on the TV program Hannity and Colmes. It’s great food for thought…

Do you have an “extra” you’d like to share? Let me know and I’ll see about including it here.

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Photo by Daniel R. & available at CreationSwap.com

The other day I was driving back from a conference in Portland. I had really enjoyed the presenter and was in a thinking-about-work mode as I cruised up the freeway. One of the blessings of being back in the Northwest has been all the familiar and nostalgic sights. As I passed through Clackamas my mind was piqued by a distinct sight I knew was coming up. As I approached the Gladstone cut-off I started to look for it…but it wasn’t there.

The owners of Latus Motors, a Harley Davidson shop, have probably the most beautiful publicly flown American flag I’ve ever seen. At 125 feet high, it’s 30 by 50 foot dimensions are arresting. I still remember the first time I was struck by it’s majesty. The impact has been the same each time after, breathless. But I forgot about something. Sometimes they fly a different flag. Today was one of those days. I saw black in the sky and remembered.

I wanted to take a moment to thank some of the ones who have helped to make my freedoms possible. You are incredible people. Your sacrifice has often been greater than you anticipated. This is especially true for

Thank you for defending freedom

those of you who have not come home yet, your sacrifice is unimaginable. To the Prisoners of War, and service people Missing in Action, you and your loved ones have given the ultimate for the rest of us. I cherish my freedom, and I am truly grateful.

As for me and my family, we will never forget. We will continue, like so many millions of other households, to pray for your safety. While you prepare for the unknown, we will stand with you. Know this, you are never alone. The One I serve is here to walk beside you.

You, your families, and all of your freedom fighting brothers and sisters are truly appreciated. When we see you in your uniforms, meet you at a store, on the streets, in the restaurants, coming home or shipping out, we will stop…to genuinely say thanks.

To all of you freedom fighters, Thank You and God Bless!

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