
Posts Tagged ‘POW’

Photo by Daniel R. & available at CreationSwap.com

The other day I was driving back from a conference in Portland. I had really enjoyed the presenter and was in a thinking-about-work mode as I cruised up the freeway. One of the blessings of being back in the Northwest has been all the familiar and nostalgic sights. As I passed through Clackamas my mind was piqued by a distinct sight I knew was coming up. As I approached the Gladstone cut-off I started to look for it…but it wasn’t there.

The owners of Latus Motors, a Harley Davidson shop, have probably the most beautiful publicly flown American flag I’ve ever seen. At 125 feet high, it’s 30 by 50 foot dimensions are arresting. I still remember the first time I was struck by it’s majesty. The impact has been the same each time after, breathless. But I forgot about something. Sometimes they fly a different flag. Today was one of those days. I saw black in the sky and remembered.

I wanted to take a moment to thank some of the ones who have helped to make my freedoms possible. You are incredible people. Your sacrifice has often been greater than you anticipated. This is especially true for

Thank you for defending freedom

those of you who have not come home yet, your sacrifice is unimaginable. To the Prisoners of War, and service people Missing in Action, you and your loved ones have given the ultimate for the rest of us. I cherish my freedom, and I am truly grateful.

As for me and my family, we will never forget. We will continue, like so many millions of other households, to pray for your safety. While you prepare for the unknown, we will stand with you. Know this, you are never alone. The One I serve is here to walk beside you.

You, your families, and all of your freedom fighting brothers and sisters are truly appreciated. When we see you in your uniforms, meet you at a store, on the streets, in the restaurants, coming home or shipping out, we will stop…to genuinely say thanks.

To all of you freedom fighters, Thank You and God Bless!

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